Scouting in Central Indiana

The MIBOR Realtor Association is the professional association representing over 10,000 members in 12 counties in central Indiana. I supported the organization‘s many different needs by developing internal and external ad campaigns, managing social media and web content, creating promotional graphics and videos, and serving as a liaison for MIBOR’s membership.

YEAR: 2019 – 2023

EMPLOYER: MIBOR Realtor Association

ROLE: Creative Lead, Graphic Design, Photographer, Videographer, Membership Liaison

Value of a Realtor Ad Campaign

MIBOR’s Value of a Realtor ad campaign targeted home-buyers in central Indiana to communicate that Realtors do more than just facilitate a transaction, they are an advocate and a resource for their clients. For this campaign I wrote the language used in the digital ads, organized and edited a photo-shoot with MIBOR Realtors, and produced 3 different sets of digital ads marketed on several different news sites, social media channels, and newsletters. The ad campaign cycle ran through the year of 2022 resulting in over 11 million impressions with a click-through-rate almost twice the industry standard of .08%.

NextGen Leadership Committee

MIBOR’s young professionals networking committee, NextGen, helps new real estate professionals excel in their careers by creating opportunities for leadership growth, networking, and community engagement. As a staff liaison to the committee, I was responsible for supporting and managing the NextGen committee by coordinating/organizing event logistics, creating marketing collateral, and promoting the YPN through photo/video of events and provided social media coverage.

Value of Membership Campaign

Realtors rely on their associations for professional guidance, political advocacy, education, and professional development. The Value of Membership campaign communicated these resources to members through a series of videos and supporting graphics. In this project, I acted as the creative director to our team’s videographer, led story-boarding sessions, wrote and narrated the scripts for each video, developed assets to be used in each video, and marketed the videos on the MIBOR website and social media channels. The pilot video can be viewed below, or all videos can be viewed here.

Realtor Political Action Committee (RPAC)

The MIBOR RPAC advocates in the political arena to protect the rights of home-ownership and those working in the real-estate industry. I had the opportunity to develop a logo and visual identity for the committee, support events by creating marketing collateral and capturing photos, promote awareness campaigns on social media.

Leave Your Shoes by the Door Podcast

MIBOR’s podcast focuses on sharing the success stories of Realtors from a variety of backgrounds and business practices. By sharing stories from more humbling times in their career and leaving their metaphorical shoes at the door, the series served as an inspirational and educational marketing piece for MIBOR’s members. For the 26 episode series, I created a logo and visual identity, created marketing collateral featuring quotes and photos from the interview, and published each episode on our website and social media channels.

Realtor Professionalism Program

The MPRO certification program was created to equip Realtors with education and experiences to advance their knowledge in core competencies and fight the public perception that real estate is not a professional industry. For this program I created a logo in 3 variations, produced media for print and digital marketing, and built promotional testimonial campaigns building credibility and awareness around the program.